Our Mission

    The Central Park Arch Project was founded in October 2014 by a group concerned about traffic issues which led to fatal collisions at crosswalks in Central Park. We are committed to clarifying the park’s transportation infrastructure, making it safer for pedestrians while recognizing the increased use of bicycles in New York as an environmentally friendly and healthy mode of transportation.

    Central Park’s arches were intended to separate pedestrians and riders on horseback from carriage traffic. Since the popularity of the automobile, crosswalks were favored to the infallible and more elegant arch. We aim to restore arches created by the park’s original architects, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, which were later destroyed. Further, we intend to amend pathways to encourage use of the arches which still exist.

    Inscope Arch Then and Now

    Inscope Arch Then and Now

    Placing these arches at the park’s most dangerous intersections will create safer crossings and allow us to pay respect to the original and groundbreaking design of the park; maintaining the timeless beauty of a space beloved by millions while effectively siphoning bicycle and pedestrian traffic into two uninterrupted corridors.

    In some parts of the park, archways already exist relatively close to crosswalks. New York should revise pathways allowing pedestrians to cross the street safety. Our solution would benefit cyclists and pedestrians equally, while maintaining and preserving the original purpose, charm and character of the park.

    Board of Directors:

    • Matthew Falber
    • Stephanie Houle
    • James Fantau
    • Keith Barnish

    Special Thanks:

    • Ruben Ramirez
    • Heather Shimmin
    • Jeffrey Correia
    • Rob Rainone